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Book by Dan Denys - Surviving the Chair

Surviving the Chair

A Practical Guide to Restoring and Maintaining a Healthy Body for Those Who Sit a Lot

The people of the modern world are deeply concerned with the global catastrophic prevalence of inactivity; many feel desperate and hopeless in their attempts to break out of the vicious trap of a sedentary lifestyle. The simple yet effective system presented in this book gives us hope and teaches us not to be afraid of sitting. We can remain productive and well while still working a sedentary occupation. We can study long hours to invest in our future without compromising our health.

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The long-awaited release of the book "Surviving the Chair" has been scheduled for the summer of 2021, but you don't have to wait to read it!

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Pre-Release Access: In order to avoid unnecessary delays in releasing the information to the public, I have decided to start publishing the texts online, as I progress with my writing. If you don't mind occasional typos and the fact that I may slightly rearrange the content by the time my work is done - if ever, ha ha - then you are welcome to read the manuscript right away.

By the way, your feedback is welcome and highly appreciated, as it allows me to work your suggestions into the final texts, adding clarifications and comments that will be helpful for other readers. Join the Facebook group dedicated to discussions pertaining to this book ("Surviving the Chair") and to my approach for dealing with issues associated with prolonged inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. You can also send me a direct message via the contact page.