Workout Ideas

I regularly update this section with workout ideas to help you keep your mind open to workout opportunities that surround you at all times, no matter where you are.

Perhaps I will repeat myself here, but this is one of the most important points that I want to emphasize to the readers: 

Moving throughout the day is the most beneficial way to exercise, especially for those individuals involved in regular sitting, such as office workers, drivers, teachers, and other sedentary professionals.

Dividing exercise routines into smaller workout sessions arranged throughout the day is not one of the best ways to exercise, but it is probably the only right way to exercise for busy people nowadays.

  • You will finally find it easier to stick to your plan. You will keep being active because now your goals are manageable. It's easier to find a few minutes here and there to do an exercise or two, rather than dedicating a whole hour in the morning or after work to a workout at a gym.
  • You will avoid sedentary hibernation. This will improve your daily productivity and your overall wellbeing.
  • By learning to recognize "stall minutes" and preparing beforehand, you will save lots of time. For example, if you take your dog for a play to the park, you can work out by using a dog leash (see Dog Leash Workout) rather than standing and jealously watching your puppy getting its exercises. All you need is make sure that you have a strong, long leash or replace it with a multiloop stretch strap.

I always enjoy hearing your stories about YOUR WAYS to integrate exercise into your busy life. Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or by sending an email via the contact form and share your pix and videos with me.