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Welcome to my personal, yet very public project - Backpack Gym!

I am a guy who believes that you don’t need much to stay healthy and fit. For example, I can show you how you can do a complete full-body workout with a few simple things that you can carry around with you in your backpack. (Hence the name - Backpack Gym.) My approach is simple, but not oversimplified. It’s comprehensive and effective. It’s compatible with a busy lifestyle and with the widespread tendency to be sedentary at work, at school, or even at home. In other words, it’s contextual, functional, accessible, and very effective!

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"Get yourself a gym backpack, and you can bring it with you to a gym. Get yourself a Backpack Gym, and it will bring a gym to you."


I am (also) a certified fitness trainer and a corrective exercise specialist. Perhaps, that’s what differs me from you. But what makes me different from other PTs is that I, just like you, had spent many years involved in a sedentary occupation. So, I know on a first-hand basis what it means to be you.


The only full-body-exercise kit that fits inside of a custom backpack for easy accessibility and convenience.

The secret to longevity and health is constant movement. Backpack Gym allows you to move safely, methodically, and with a purpose! And do it anywhere you go at all times.

The starter kit has been designed with the mission to get you moving and to keep you moving safely, efficiently for the rest of your life


Move Throughout the Day for Better Health

Learn why it's important to move regularly to avoid many modern health problems and why exercising alone may not be enough to maintain your optimal health.

These are just a few articles that give you more information about the "Movement Movement" that changes our perception on what we, as human beings, need to do in order to thrive in this modern sedentary world:

  Quartz: You don’t need more exercise, you just need to move

  NWI: Moving throughout the day is vital to good health

  NY Times: Get up! Stand up!

  Columbia University, Irving Medical Center: Physical Activity, Any Type or Amount, Cuts Health Risk from Sitting

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The Starter Kit "BPG-001" is a collection of essential fitness accessories for beginners. Designed to be used on the go and in small spaces. Easily extendable with additional accessories to address one's individual needs.

BPG-001 Stamp

The Backpack  

Now available in two colors

# Gray


Convenient, practical, lightweight.

The Backpack has been redesigned to be lightweight and easy to use.

We used water-resistant material to help you protect your exercise accessories when you take your workout outdoors. The breathable mesh lining of the backside of the backpack and the shoulder straps let you stay cool on your hikes or during your inner-city commutes.

Durable TextileWater ResistantLightweight

Mesh padding for back and shoulders

Breathable mesh padding on the backside of the backpack and the shoulder straps for a soft and cool touch.

D-rings with plastick backing

Plastic-plate backing and protective lining to protect from sagging and tear.

BPG-001 top section

Plenty of storage room for things large and small. Keep your accessories organized and protected.

Mesh pockets for accessories

The see-through pockets with zipper fasteners make it easy to secure and find smaller accessories.


What's Inside?

New and exciting awaits you!

Strength & Endurance

Equipped with a set of quality resistance tubes and door anchors, along with a pair of durable handles and ankle cuffs, one can turn any small room into a gym in a matter of minutes.

Stretch & Massage

An extra-long stretch strap, 2 resistant bands, a pair of glide disks and a patent-pending self massager sleeve with a set of firm massage balls is all you need to condition and fine-tune your body.

Expect More

We are currently working with the leading designers and manufacturers to create a series of products that will make working out accessible and easy. Get updates and discount deals as soon as these exclusive products come to our online store. And don't forget to follow us on YouTube, FaceBook, & Instagram

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New Customizable|Effective|Universal

The new massage ball sleeve is a customizable solution for effective self-massage. Add it to the arsenal of your home gym. Get rid of chronic muscle tightness, stiffness, and pain with precision and control of professional therapy.

Learn more