Start Enjoying Movement
We’ve discussed the shortcomings of most conventional, popular approaches to active living and exercise. By now, I hope you have come to appreciate the benefits of fragmented workouts, but, if you still harbor doubts or some ideas still seem unclear, one thing has probably become quite apparent: movement is an indispensable instrument in achieving and maintaining your optimal health. In other words, we must move, and we must stay physically active. Plus, it would be nice if we actually enjoyed the movement itself, don’t you agree?
I personally know quite a few people who simply love being active, always trying new activities. They do things like riding bikes and taking their canoes or paddle boards to the lake every other weekend. They toss frisbees for their dogs to fetch. They do yoga and play sports. They can’t wait to get their hands dirty in their backyard gardens. For them, these things are fun. Even when they feel tired after doing them, they seem to be happy and satisfied because they really enjoy being physically active!
On the other end of the spectrum, there are people who even struggle with short walks. The thought of a day-long – or even an hour-long – activity makes them shiver. I’m not talking about people who are sick or disabled; I’m talking about people who seem quite healthy but still find physical activities unpleasant, for whom exercising can seem inconvenient, irritating, or even repulsive.
How is this possible? Were some of us just lucky to be born restless, with an uncontrollable urge to move all the time? What about everyone else? Are we doomed to struggle every time we head to the gym? This hardly seems fair. Is there anything we can do about that?